the Dusklands
Welcome to the Dusklands...

The Dusklands is an otherworldly realm of overcast skies and craggy peaks, of desolate volcanic plains, misty bogs and lonely moors haunted by the baying of distant wolves. It is the home of ancient secrets and treasure buried beneath in hoary crypts and abandoned mines long before the Age of Man. Here, the Dusklanders take precious resources from the Vale's bosom and the hands of ancient craftsmen turn them into masterful instruments of war and death. The Dusklanders are a logical, stoic, and war-like people, driven by an all-consuming passion to create, even as they continue to master the arts of destruction. This is a dangerous land, a hard land, filled with people who have become as hard and cold as the iron they mine. Once, the Dusklanders were the pinnacle of power in the Kingdom of Arnesse and none could stand before them, but now the mountains from which they were made have laid them low in a moment of fiery apocalypse. Through sheer will, they have clawed their civilization back from the brink and Dusklanders now stand at a crossroads in their redemption, one path leading to glory beyond even the dreams of their fathers; the other, the path to annihilation.
Visit the Dusklands supplements from the library below to read more about the faction.

The Dusklands Library
Links & Downloads
The supplement for the Dusklands, containing information that generally everyone who lives there would know.
The House Richter supplement, containing additional information that higher classes of society, such as Nobles, Knights, Vigil, and Magisters would know.
The Attire of the Dusklands
Like House Hale, House Richter fashion is influenced by practicality. Clothing gets dirty, so dark colors like black, grey, brown, and deep red are used. Embroidery takes a lot of time so it is not prominently featured. Highfolk who wish to express their wealth and status rely on the richness of high quality fabrics. High necklines are favored to protect against dirt and soot. While dresses are still the most common type of clothing for women, you might see more women in the Dusklands wearing pants than you will in other regions of Arnesse (that is, excluding the Three Seas).​​