the Hearthlands
Welcome to the Hearthlands...

The Hearthlands is the cradle of faith in Arnesse and a land of incredible bounty. Its lush, rolling plains, crossed by rivers and bordered by forests, are some of the most beautiful in the Kingdom. Here live a proud and just people, descended from the knights of old, who have stood up to tyrants in the name of virtue and justice for centuries – and paid a terrible price for their beliefs. With sheer will they have carved out a place for themselves in Arnesse and held it against impossible odds.
Yet darkness grows like a cancer in their land. While its people revere the dawn, the shadows grow long where the light does not shine and corruption festers among those who are sworn to protect the innocent. It is a place of incredible potential still unrealized and a proud legacy too often squandered by incompetence and vice done in the name of virtue. Others may look down upon the Hearthfolk, but few can deny that something ineffable brought them to where they are and that they may indeed be a people chosen by a higher power to accomplish some greater destiny.
Visit the Hearthlands supplements from the library below to read more about the faction.

The Hearthlands Library
Links & Downloads
The supplement for the Hearthlands, containing information that generally everyone who lives there would know.
The House Blayne supplement, containing additional information that higher classes of society, such as Nobles, Knights, Vigil, and Magisters would know.