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Eldritch Relaunch 2021

Writer's picture: Spencer McGhinSpencer McGhin

Greetings Eldritch Community,

It’s announcement time once again. As promised, we’re going to open up character creation in addition to discussing the October event, a note on volunteers, new player tickets, the Vigil, and even a new archetype.

First off, a big thank you to all the folks that have given us feedback on the changes we’ve presented as part of the campaign reset. In the end, the limited rules systems at Eldritch are only made better by running the gauntlet of community discourse. So too, are we confident that our events will be made better as a result of this iterative exercise. With that, let’s get to it.

October Event

A bit of unpleasant news for the October event. Given the drastic escalation in the number of COVID cases and the dangerously low availability of hospital space, we’re going to postpone the first event until the listed December date. All requested refunds will still be processed and those folks who let us know they want to go to the October event will be marked as attending the December event. That is unless you let us know otherwise, of course. We are quite serious when we say none are more unhappy than your game runners about having to cancel our relaunch event. On that note, if you know some folks who are on the fence about getting vaccinated and are able to safely do so, please do all you can to help them take that next step. As a potential upside, character creation is open (check out the bit below), you’ll get your own personalized archetype cards, and having got all the logistics out of the way, we’ll be ready to run one hell of a first event just as soon as things calm down out there some.

For those of you who were waiting until later to make your decision about attending the event, please feel free to follow up on our original email if this announcement makes you feel differently, i.e. you'd like to keep your ticket on the books after all.


We’ve had quite the number of new folks reach out of late in regards to new player openings and npc opportunities. And while we are exceedingly grateful for new folks to be interested in Eldritch, we’re not going to be able to take on additional players (beyond the roughly 80 we cap out at) until we have additional capacity in the form of additional helpers. So we’re putting out the call once again. We’re asking for one or two folks to come forward who would be interested in helping out the game on a more regular basis. Some areas of particular interest are volunteer wrangling and encounter development and production, though if you feel invested in doing one thing or another, let us know and we’ll determine if it’s a good fit. One other person to perhaps share in the writing responsibilities for the number we’d like to support would go a long way. Due to the fact that it is only three of us supporting the workload demand of the entertainment and logistics for Eldritch, we are having to evaluate each event if we can support 80 players. Ideally we would like to be out of that position and possibly even up the cap if we get enough help from the community! If you’d like to go behind the curtain, send us an email briefly outlining your interests. We’d love to talk with you!

The Vigil and New Archetypes

We haven't forgotten about those of you playing the Vigil. In fact, we're already at work creating new content for the groups, being the Justicars and the Sentinels, as well as commissioning new art that should also be somewhat familiar...

The Vigil

Sigil for the Justicars

Sigil for the Sentinels

Up next on the list is new character concept art that, to be totally transparent, will be very reminiscent of the style of clothing previously attributed to the Fayne. ETA on the complete Vigil supplement is roughly two weeks given our current workload, and that pesky thing known as work-life balance. For those of you interested in the concept however, please reach out and we'll be happy to discuss any specific questions that you may have.

The Veteran

After weighing some common player feedback, we're going to be implementing one last Advanced Archetype, known as the Veteran. This archetype will represent an amalgamation of different Advanced archetypes skills. The Veteran is not an organization but is meant to represent a more experienced PC and can either suit a more specialized build or support a person-of-all-trades. This archetype will allow players to go deeper into certain systems (skills) than might have previously been available to folks who didn't want spend the CP on choosing another Advanced Archetype or finds that Archetype choice closed off to them as an option due to overcrowding. You'll see a post on this once it becomes available. ETA is about two weeks.

Character Generation

And now for the main attraction! We’ll update the website with the character generation steps in shortly, though we thought it better to provide those that are interested the opportunity to create their characters for the upcoming events. Follow the link below to a doc we’ve put together that outlines a few simple steps to get you up and running. If you have any trouble, feel free to submit a ticket once you’re in the app and we’ll resolve it ASAP.

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