Greetings, esteemed denizens of Arnesse! As we eagerly anticipate Event 5 and reflect upon the lessons learned from past events, it is imperative that we address several critical topics that will undoubtedly enhance the overall gaming experience, promote safety, and lighten the burden on our dedicated staff during events. Please note that the following observations are not intended to single out or accuse any specific individual or group. Rather, they are based on patterns observed over multiple games, and we believe it is essential to proactively address these matters before the commencement of the next event.
Combat Safety and You!

While boffer combat is an inherently risky martial combat sport that may result in bruising or injuries, our staff has observed that players often engage in excessive force during combat. Factors such as the realistic nature of the battles, the risk of character death, and the adrenaline rush experienced in high-stress situations contribute to this behavior. It is understandable, but it's a subconscious response to what is perceived as a dangerous situation. We encourage players to approach combat not as a life-or-death scenario, but as an opportunity to create a fun and entertaining experience for themselves and the audience. It's important to remember that actual lives are not at stake, and players should adjust their actions accordingly. Over the past few events, many of our NPCs sustained bruising and minor injuries due to excessive force from other players. These NPCs play an essential role in enhancing the game experience and providing challenges, so we ask that players consider their swing strength and aim for a sufficient amount of impact when engaging in combat.

Addressing another aspect of combat safety, we want to emphasize the importance of avoiding "non-traditional" combat maneuvers without prior consultation with the other player. This includes actions such as attempting to slash someone's throat, shield charges, using weapons or terrain/objects in unconventional ways, or touching another player beyond medium touch with your weapon. Engaging in these maneuvers can lead to injuries. If players wish to incorporate such maneuvers into their combat, they should discuss and agree upon the limits beforehand. Several players and NPCs have successfully collaborated to create epic fight scenes by working out their combat limits in advance. If players cannot reach an agreement, staff or a marshall can assist in adjudicating the situation. Lastly, we have updated the shield bashing rules in Eldritch, eliminating the requirement for players to strike each other with shields. While some foam shields are safe for this purpose, the type of shields most players use at Eldritch are hard enough to cause injuries or bruising if not applied correctly.
Check out this great video by some of the players from Drachenfest US that demonstrates techniques that you can use to help fight more safetly and cinematically in combat...
Combat and the Code of Conduct
To enhance participant safety during combat, we're implementing a new protocol inspired by Drachenfest US. If a staff member or safety marshal observes unsafe behavior or needs to address an issue during combat, they will ask the player to step out and wait for a conversation. If a player receives more than two warnings about safety, they may be banned from combat. This restriction applies to boffer combat only, and players may still participate in the game with their current PC or create a new, less combat-oriented character. It's the responsibility of players unable to participate in combat to excuse themselves from it, similar to how a non-combatant might, even if NPCs initiate it. Our goal is to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone, and repeated warnings indicate a misalignment with our vision of boffer combat.
Contacting Staff
We hope that it is very apparent that we are absolutely thrilled by the enthusiasm and creativity you bring to our events. Your ideas help shape our world, and we appreciate every contribution. However, as the story unfolds, we'd like to share a few guidelines and clarify our focus as a team.
Eldritch Staff at Your Service
We're a united front, reading and discussing all emails during our meetings. Address your requests to "Eldritch Staff" or "Team Eldritch." While each of us may have our own perspectives, we approach every email as a collective.
Rulebook's Final Chapter
At this stage of the game, the rules are set in stone, carefully balanced to ensure a fair and enjoyable experience. While we're open to addressing any broken or harmful rules, significant changes are unlikely at this point.
Downtime Diaries
We encourage you to craft your own downtime and at-event stories. Share them with us, and we might weave them into the game's tapestry via a lore or via another channel. However, we can't offer rewards like coin, resources, or guaranteed plotlines. It's all about fairness for all.
Player-Led Adventures
For those eager to organize events like tournaments, scavenger hunts, or holidays, you have our blessing! We'll approve such activities and try to fit them into the schedule, but we can't promise direct staff support. Collaborate with your fellow players to run these events and create unforgettable moments for the entire community. Just remember, there won't be any rewards for these endeavors.
Our main focus, dear adventurers, lies in crafting in-game events and storylines. While we cherish your creativity and passion, we encourage you to let your character's development flourish within the game. Plots and events that benefit the most players are more likely to receive our support and assistance.

Collaborative Play at Eldritch
In the realm of live-action role-playing, a common apprehension arises among players—the fear that staff members might conspire against their characters' dreams and aspirations. Understandably, this concern stems from experiences in tabletop role-playing games, where the game master often holds absolute power over the narrative. At Eldritch LARP, however, we want to assure our players that our mission is not to thwart their characters but to facilitate a captivating, safe, and unforgettable experience for all. We believe that collaboration between players and staff is essential for crafting truly immersive and memorable stories. To that end, we provide numerous tools to help players shape their characters' journeys. One crucial tool is open communication with our staff. By sharing your character's goals, desires, and aspirations, you empower us to weave them into the overarching narrative of the game. For example, if you envision your character becoming a legendary warrior, we can incorporate quests and challenges that lead to their transformation.

Additionally, we recognize that setbacks and losses can be integral to character development. While a string of victories may seem appealing, it is through adversity that characters truly grow and evolve. Our staff is dedicated to supporting your character's goals, whether through triumphs or defeats. We believe that by embracing both sides of the narrative spectrum, players can create rich and compelling stories that resonate long after the game ends. Trusting the staff with your story is an act of faith, and we value the time and investment that players make in the Eldritch LARP experience. We would never intentionally undermine your character's journey or diminish your enjoyment of the game. If you have any reservations or concerns, we encourage you to approach us openly. We are always willing to listen to feedback and strive to continuously improve our practices. Embrace the narrative journey of your character, with all its twists and turns, challenges and triumphs. By partnering with our staff, you become an active participant in shaping the world of Eldritch LARP. Together, we can create unforgettable stories that will leave an enduring mark on your imagination.
All the very best,