Welcome back to the kingdom of Arnesse and the Annwyn!

Returning Players
Rewriting Your Character
You may try out your character for up to two events before deciding that you'd like to rewrite them. A rewrite can entail background changes and/or skill changes. Preferrably, you are not completely changing the character's concept, but making tweaks to make it more fun for you to play.
An example might be that you took a particular skill at character creation, tried using it during an event, and then decided you didn't want to have that skill anymore. During your rewrite, we would remove that skill from your sheet and refund you the CP so that you could spend it on something else.
We are here to enable your fun, so if you decide to rewrite your character, you can initiate the process by reaching out to us at contact@eldritchlarp.com.
Get Your Ticket
Tickets to the next event go on sale on the Monday one week after the previous event. Ticket availability and character update schedules are as follows:
One Week
After the Event
Tickets become available to Returning Players.
You are considered Returning if you attended at least one of the last two events.
Two Weeks
After the Event
Tickets become available to New Players.
You are considered New if you have never attended Eldritch of if you missed the last two events.
One Month
Before the Next Event
Ticket sales close for admission and meal plans; refund requests are no longer accepted.
One Month
Before the Next Event
Character updates, rank ups, and rewrites are due.
Updating Your Character
Updating you character is done once between each Eldritch event, which take place three times per year. All character updates are done through MyLarp. You will have a number of character points, depending on the progression listed in the Character Guide section of the Player's Guide. Please follow the Skill prerequisites outlined in the Skills section of the Player's Guide, and your Advanced Archetype skills prerequisites, if you have one. All character updates are due one month before the following event.
Ranking Up
At events, there will be a self-service drop box where you can purchase a Rank Up for your character. You may also email us between events to rank up, with the understanding that you'll pay the Influence for your rank up at the next event you attend. You may only increase your rank once per event.