Want to Volunteer?
Never been to a live roleplaying event before or want to see what we’re all about? Join us as a volunteer! Volunteers attend our events for free, and have access to our full wardrobe and costuming collection. Sound like fun? Sign up below…
Sign Up For An Event
If you know which event you'd like to volunteer for, and tickets for that event have gone live, you can RSVP by purchasing a free Full-time Volunteer ticket and discounted meal plan. You'll receive email updates about the upcoming event. See our FAQ section below for more information on what to expect.
Join Our Volunteer Mailing List
Fill out the form below to be added to our volunteer mailing list. You will receive updates when future events go live and callouts for volunteers.
What to Expect and FAQ
Below, you'll find a general overview of what you can expect after you RSVP to volunteer at an event, as well as answers to common questions. If you have questions that aren't answered here, please don't hesitate to reach out to us using our Contact form or by emailing us at contact@eldritchlarp.com
Before the Event
RSVP to the Event, optional Meal Plan, and optional early arrival.
Two to four weeks before the Event, you'll receive NPC assignments by email as they are completed. Each NPC assignment includes:​​
A full write up of who the NPC is, what their goals are, and what is expected of them​.
The time on the schedule you are expected to play that NPC.
You'll receive an invite to an online Volunteer orientation where you'll get to meet staff and ask questions.​
During the Event
You'll play your assigned NPCs according to the schedule.
After the Event
A post event survey specifically for full-time volunteers will be made available for you to submit.
How much does it cost to attend as a volunteer?
It is free to attend our events as a volunteer.
How much is the meal plan? Can I bring my own food?
The meal plan is discounted to $25 for our volunteers and can be purchased on the event page, along with the free volunteer admission.
If you want to bring your own food, whether or not you are using the meal plan, you may absolutely do so. Depending on the site we use, there may be plenty of space to store your food in communal fridges. There may also be multiple kitchens to make use of. However, it is always good to bring non-perishable food items that can be stored near your bunk so that they are easily and quickly accessible.
Do I have to pay the early arrival ticket if I want to show up on Thursday?
No, early arrival is free for volunteers, and we ask that you pick up the free volunteer early arrival ticket so we know to expect you We do hope that you will help us with set up if you arrive early, as that is the main purpose of us paying for an extra night at our site.
When do volunteer RSVPs close before an event?
As long as we have space, we will accept full-time NPC volunteers all the way up to the last minute before an event. However, there are some things to note:​
Meal plan tickets will close at least one week before the event because we need to start planning the meals and buying ingredients for a certain number of people. If you do not see the meal plan ticket option available on the event page, it means that you will need to bring your own food to the event.
If you RSVP a week or less before an event, you might not receive NPC assignments via email. You will definitely still be given roles to play, but they will be given on a more ad hoc basis during the event.
When should I arrive on site?
We will have an in person NPC orientation on Friday at 7 PM.
Unless you notify us otherwise, we start utilizing all of our volunteers on Friday at game on, which is 8 PM. We greatly appreciate our volunteers showing up earlier than that, if only to help you get settled and show you the ropes if it's your first time. We also appreciate it when our volunteers help us set up for the event, though that is not a requirement.
If you have to arrive later and/or leave earlier than Sunday, please let us know and we'll be sure to make your NPC schedule fit your needs.
What's the parking situation like?
This highly depends on the site that we use for each event. Stay tuned for updates on this closer to each event. It is always helpful to carpool, but it is not always necessary.
Where do I need to go once I'm on site?
At each event, we set up an area typically referred to as "Monster Town". This is where staff usually sleeps and it's where we stage all of our costumes and props. Report to Monster Town once you arrive on site. This may be a different area at each site we use, and we will let you know where it is prior to the event via email and/or Discord.
Who are the staff of Eldritch and what to they look like?
Check out our Staff Roster.
What are the lodgings like?
Lodgings are dependent on the site that we use, but they almost always consist of double bunks with mattresses. The mattresses are a standard campground style. They are thick, blue, and have a synthetic fabric covering that can be wiped down with disinfectant at the end of each event. The lodgings do not include linens, so you will need to bring your own bedding and towels as needed. Most of our sites have heat with electrical outlets available for phone charging and medical devices like CPAP machines. We set aside accessible cabins for those who need them, including for our volunteers.
What do I need to bring?
Eldritch provides all costumes for our NPCs. The only required items our volunteers should bring is a set or two of dark clothing that can be worn underneath costumes. We ask that pants not be jeans and shirts not have logos or images on them, though we of course won't turn you away if that is what you have available to you; we have plenty of extra clothing available.
Especially during our fall and early spring events, you'll want to make sure that you stay warm, comfortable, and dry throughout the event. We recommend:
Several pairs of wool socks
Two pairs of base layers, like leggings and undershirts; highly recommend wool if possible
Waterproof or water-resistant boots that are generally in theme (check out our footwear guide); we will not turn you away if you don't have in theme shoes
Waterproof or water-resistant cloak or jacket. We have a lot of cloaks available for our volunteers to use so don't worry if you don't have one. If you have a jacket that will fit underneath costumes, feel free to bring it in case you need it!​
Other items:
Food; either to supplement the meal plan or in place of it
Bedding; pillow, blankets, sleeping bag
Your own costumes and/or makeup (optional; we have a full wardrobe of costumes to provide)​​
Water bottle
Flashlight or Lantern
Do I get to choose what kind of NPCs I play?
If you have specific requests or know what kind of roles you enjoy or don't enjoy playing, please let us know and we'll accommodate you. You may want to let us know ahead of time that you can't or do not wish to participate in roles that include combat. Otherwise, we make NPC assignments assuming you are ok with any type of role. After you receive your assignments, you're welcome to let us know if you have any issues with them and we will either change them or reassign you to something else.
How many NPC assignments will I receive?
We generally assign each volunteer four to six NPC roles that get played throughout the event. It depends on how long you're playing a given role for. You may also receive assignments on the schedule that don't have detailed NPCs; things like monsters or lesser roles that don't need a lot of explanation.
What other tasks do volunteers do?
Depending on the need, we may ask volunteers to do a shift in the kitchen helping out with food prep for the meal plan. If you would prefer not to do a kitchen shift, please let us know. We may also ask volunteers to help us set up or tear down a module during the event.
What are game hours?
As a requirement, 2 AM to 8 AM on Saturday and Sunday mornings are 'safe hours'. Staff will not schedule or run plot during these hours, unless a module that was scheduled late in the evening runs past 2 AM. To be frank, we on staff love our sleep so we generally don't schedule modules past 12 AM.
Game On is around 8 PM to 10 PM on Fridays, Game Off is 11 AM on Sundays. We appreciate set up and tear down help before and after those hours, but we understand if folks cannot stay longer.
Do volunteers get breaks?
Of course. We schedule breaks into every volunteer's schedule. If you receive your schedule and feel like there is not enough breaks, let us know.
There is also an all staff and volunteer break from 5 PM to 7 PM on Saturdays during events. No new plot will start during that time.